Saturday, 7 March 2015

Bridge Cruises 2015

Cruising is popular and so are bridge holidays.  Why not combine the two?  Sail to a new location each day, enjoy the sights whilst improving your bridge game with a program of lectures and bridge sessions?  Sounds like the perfect combination to me.

At Blueberry Bridge we have compiled a list of bridge cruises on offer for 2015.  Head over and take a look.  You might find your dream holiday.

Don't worry if you are a solo traveller.  All bridge cruises will find you a partner, and what better way to meet like minded travellers and make new friends.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Which Suit To Open?

There's a new post on Blueberry Bridge discussing which suit to open if you hold two equal length suits with 5 or 6 cards and also have fewer than 16 points.

Learn How To Play Bridge

Bridge is a very popular game and is widely played around the world. It is played online, it is played in clubs, it is played in people...